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Speech, Language & Audiology Department

Occupational Therapy Department


Developmental Unit

Livingstone Developmental Unit

At the Developmental Unit (D.U.) children are referred by educators, parents and/or professionals when they are found to be ‘at risk’ of developing ‘barriers to learning’ in the future, despite good cognitive potential. Children experiencing specific learning difficulties and/or developmental lags in language, speech, perceptual and motor-related areas and numeracy are possible candidates for admission into the D.U. at Livingstone as well as children who have a hearing impairment which is being appropriately managed in terms of their hearing loss, and who are young enough to learn spoken language.

The decision as to whether Livingstone’s Developmental Unit would be the most suitable school placement for an applicant is determined by Livingstone’s multi-disciplinary admissions team. Therapy groups and individual sessions are included in the daily routine and the CAPS curriculum is followed as closely as possible whilst ensuring that the needs of each child are taken into account at all times. Each child has their own Individual Educational Plan/‘IEP’, which is created with a view to targeting the specific needs of each child and using the child’s strengths to do so.